Hello, just wanted to give a quick update regarding posting my website blog posts here... Uhh... I've changed my mind and I'll be using this to either announce projects or just announce when there's a new blog on my website. I'm thinking just announcing projects, but we'll see. As for the reason, I feel like the stuff I post on my blog doesn't really match what is on my NG, and just feels awkward (which is why I didn't post the one about updating the blog site, it didn't make sense). What I write about is just way to miscellaneous to put here. So um.. yeah, you can still find my personal blog on https://maggnet.neocities.org/ if you'd like to read it. Otherwise, stay tuned for when I have something to announce (such as my Bluesky since I've deleted my Twitter account).
Stay safe in this cold weather y'all, peace!